digital art quizlet accounting jobs uk online

Includes images done completely on computer or hand-drawn images scanned into a computer and finished using a software program like Adobe Illustrator

Work made with digital technology - presented on digital technology - includes images done completely on computer or hand-drawn images scanned into a computer and finished using a software program like Adobe Illustrator - can also involve animation and 3D Virtual sculpture renderings - projects that combine several technologies - involves of manipulation of video images - method of art-making that lends itself to a multimedia format because it can be possibly viewed on multiple platforms - merger between art and technology - allows many new ways to create art

Early computers only supported monochrome graphics, meaning they were were black n white (or black n green depending on monitor) - Eventually computers began to support color images - first machines only supported 16 or 256 colors, most computers can now display computers in millions of colors

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Type of 2D Graphic - most common - used for digital photos, web graphics, icons and other types of images - composed of a simple grid of pixels, which can each be a different color

Type of 2D graphics - made up of paths which may be lines, shapes, letters or other scalable objects - often used for creating logos, signs and other types of drawings - can be scaled to a larger size w/o losing quantity

Started becoming popular in the 1990s along with 3D Rendering software such as Computer Aided Design and 3D Animation Programs - year 2000: video games incorporated at computers had enough processing power to support them

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The three dimensions- allow objects to be created on an X-Y-Z Scale (width, height, depth) - can be rotated and view from all angles - can be scaled larger or smaller - allow lighting to be applied automatically in the rendering stagedigital architecture- field of engineering - utilizes digital media in the process of architectural design - help in designing the concept, design development and detail designing of the architecture's formcomputer-aided design (CAD)- the use of computers in the design of products - helps us create, modify, analyze and enhance a design - replaces drafting by hand with an automated process3D Digital Sculpting- sculpts a 3D object on a computer with material similar to digitized clay - brushes and tools that push, pull, pinch and smooth make it easy to create detailed sculpts that mimic real life textures and objects - use complicated calculations to create detailed polygon meshes that act like real claydigital audio- refers to reproduction and transmission of sound stored in digital format - includes CDs as well as any sound files stored on a computertelephone systembased on an analog representation of soundsound recording and reproduction systems- digital representation of the audio waveform for processing, storage or transmissionanalog sound waveswhen stored in digital form, each digital audio file can be decomposed into a series of samplesdigital filmmaking- number of different processes and techniques used in modern films - accesible - relative low cost and user friendlydigital camera- greatly simplified and reduced costs of making films - expensive film has been replaced by digital storage methods that last longer, safer and cost less money than filmcomputer animation- subset of both computer graphics and animation technologies - creation of moving images using computer technologycomputer-generated animationAll the animation and images are created on the computercomputer assisted animationtraditional animations are computerized3D Animation- can be rotated and moved like real objects - heart of games and visual reality, but it may also be used in presentation graphics to add real flaircomputer game- computer controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on screen for entertainmentvideo games- same form of entertainment - run by a console or arcade machineprimary feedback devicestext, sound or vibration, controller, or a combination of any of the abovesummer of 1985- time he was give his first Amiga 1000 home computer by Commodore internationalAndy Warholintegrated digital art and trad artLincoln CenterTheatrical Performance of Andy warholDebbie Harryrock n roll icon lead singer of Blondie who Warhol drewAmiga 1000computer that Warhol used to draw Debbie HarryProPaintcomputer software to create a portrait of HarryWorks of Andy WarholAndy2, Campbells, Venus, Flowe~Nature of Business and Accounting~ A __________ is an organization in which basic resources (inputs), such as materials and labor, are assembled and processed to provide goods or services (outputs) to customers.

A __________ is the difference between the amounts received from customers for goods or services and the amounts paid for the inputs used to provide the goods or services.

*~Role of Accounting in Business~* What is the role of accounting in business?The role of accounting in business is to provide information for managers to use in operating the business. In addition, accounting provides information to other users in assessing the economic performance and condition of the business.__________ is an information system that provides reports to users about the economic activities and condition of a business.AccountingWhy is accounting considered the "language of business."Accounting is the means by which businesses' financial information is communicated to users.What is the process by which accounting provides information to users?~Identify users. ~Assess users' information needs. ~Design the accounting information system to meet users' needs. ~Record economic data about business activities and events. ~Prepare accounting reports for users.Users of accounting information can be divided into two groups: __________ and __________.~Internal Users (managers and employees) ~External Users (investors, creditors, customers, and the government)The area of accounting that provides internal users with information is called __________.Managerial Accounting (Management Accounting)What is the objective of managerial accounting?To provide relevant and timely information for managers' and employees' decision-making needsManagerial accountants employed by a business are employed in __________.Private AccountingThe area of accounting that provides external users with information is called __________.Financial AccountingWhat is the objective of financial accounting?To provide relevant and timely information for the decision-making needs of users outside the business__________ are one type of financial accounting report that is distributed to external users. The term "general-purpose" refers to the wide range of decision-making needs that these reports are designed to serve.General-Purpose Financial Statements*~Role of Ethics in Accounting and Business~* What is the objective of accounting?To provide relevant, timely information for user decision makingWhat behavior should accountants behave in and why?Accountants must behave in an ethical manner so that the information they provide users will be trustworthy and, thus, useful for decision making. Otherwise, no one will be willing to invest in or loan money to the business.__________ are moral principles that guide the conduct of individuals.EthicsAn example of a law passed to monitor the behavior of accounting and business is the __________.Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) established a new oversight body for the accounting profession called the __________. In addition, SOX established standards for independence, corporate responsibility, and disclosure.Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)What are the guidelines for behaving ethically?~Identify an ethical decision by using your personal ethical standards of honesty and fairness. ~Identify the consequences of the decision and its effect on others. ~Consider your obligations and responsibilities to those who will be affected by your decision. ~Make a decision that is ethical and fair to those affected by it.*~Opportunities for Accountants~* Their are two types of accountants: __________ and __________.~Private Accounting ~Public AccountingAccountants employed by a business are employed in __________.Private AccountingAccountants who provide services on a fee basis are said to be employed in __________.Public AccountingPublic accountants who have met a state's education, experience, and examination requirements may become __________.Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)Financial accountants follow __________ in preparing reports. These reports allow investors and other users to compare one company to another.Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)__________ has the primary responsibility for developing accounting principles.Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)The __________, an agency of the U.S. government, has authority over the accounting and financial disclosures for companies whose shares of ownership (stock) are traded and sold to the public. The SEC may issue "Staff Accounting Bulletins" on accounting matters that may not have been addressed by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)Many countries outside the United States use accounting principles adopted by the __________.International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)What are the differences between the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)?IFRS are considered to be more "principles-based" than U.S. GAAP, which is considered to be more "rules-based."*~Business Entity Concept~* The __________ limits the economic data in an accounting system to data related directly to the activities of the business. In other words, the activities of a business are recorded separately from the activities of its owners, creditors, or other businesses.Business Entity ConceptA business entity may take the form of a __________, __________, __________, or __________.~Proprietorship: owned by one individual ~Partnership: owned by two more individuals ~Corporation: organized under state or federal statues as a separate entity ~Limited Liability Company (LLC): combines partnership and corporation*~Cost Concept~* Under the __________, amounts are initially recorded in the accounting records at their cost or purchase price.Cost ConceptThe __________ requires that the amounts recorded in the accounting records be based on objective evidence. Only

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